Vote for The HEAL Project!

The HEAL Project is on the ballot for Envirotokens!

Vote for The HEAL Project! New Leaf Community Markets’ Envirotokens program rewards customers who make the sustainable choice to reuse bags and keep single-use items out of local landfills.

When you shop at New Leaf Community Markets in Half Moon Bay and bring your own reusable bags, they give you a 10¢ Envirotoken per bag. You can then pay it forward to one of six local nonprofits they have hand-selected.

Every month, New Leaf tallies up Envirotokens, converts them into dollar amounts and sends a check to each organization. This is a GREAT way to support The HEAL Project and promote sustainability. Thank you for your vote: we’ll use these funds to teach kids where their food comes from and why it matters.


Summer Camp Fun with The HEAL Project at the San Mateo County School Farm


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